mostly clean: days 1 & 2

day 1

breakfast smoothie:  watermelon, blueberries, pineapple, spinach
snacks (no pictures):  freeze-dried pineapple, cashews, rice crackers, cucumber, hummus

lunch:  salad–lettuce, spinach, blueberries, almonds, avocado, cucumber, chicken, goddess dressing (has a bit of soy)  & cherries (after the meal, not on the salad)

dinner:  peach gazpacho & a little of mr. happy stuff’s “sweet smoothie” (coconut water, pineapple, raspberries)  oh, and a few more rice crackers.  my mouth was really craving crunch during that soup.  mr. happy stuff called me a cheater.  it’s only a “mostly cleanse” i told him!  plus, i chewed them up really well.

thoughts–although the peach gazpacho wasn’t completely awful like my day 1 soup of the last cleanse, it was still a challenge to drink all of it (and i only made 1/6th of the recipe!).  perhaps, since it’s difficult to split a recipe into sixths, i may have added too much vinegar?  it was just a splash, but the soup was really tangy.  i also didn’t have champagne vinegar, so i substituted white wine vinegar which may have altered the intended flavor. i think i only really like one or two swallows of cold soups and then i’m done.  or perhaps i simply needed to pay attention to the instructions and let it actually chill for a full hour before trying to drink it.  it might have been better icy cold.  definitely liked that it was blended to utter smoothness.

i ate lots of snacks today (the rice crackers and cucumber and hummus were amazing!) but i wasn’t hungry after supper like i sometimes am.  best of all?  no one got injured.

day 2

breakfast smoothie:  watermelon, pineapple, spinach, cashew cacao hempspread (found this at the co-op and just had to try it.  not bad!)

snack:  an apple and cashews

lunch: a peach and a bowlful of “mexican” quinoa salad (yes, i did put a little bit of fresh tomato and one small yellow pepper in here, but that’s why this is a “mostly clean” week)  i also added cucumber and pecans to the recipe i linked to, and i used a mixture of red, black and white quinoa.  mr. happy stuff and i both adore this recipe and it will become a regular part of our recipe rotation for summer suppers.  now if we could just get the happy toddler to eat it, we’d be all set.

snack:  fruit salad with watermelon, mango, cherries and blueberries.  this is why summer cleanses win.  so.  yummmmmmmmy!

dinner:  watermelon, coconut creme, “very cherry berry blend” of frozen berries from trader joe’s and one leaf of kale

thoughts:  the scale told me i’d lost 3 pounds this morning!  (sketchy scale.)  i went for a 30 minute walk/run (i’m on week 3 of the “couch to 5k” iphone app, trying to work my way back up to being a runner without injuring myself) despite extreme heat and humidity and my breakfast smoothie tasted awesome afterwards.  the happy toddler decided that two days in a row without a nap would be lots of fun, so tempers around the house were a bit short by mid-afternoon.  i had the brilliant idea of calling in reinforcements (a favorite sitter) and taking my mr. to a movie.  those of you who followed the last cleanse might remember how house-bound i felt when i realized that you can’t eat strictly “clean” at any restaurants in town.  note to self:  during any future cleanses, get a sitter and go see a movie.  the happy toddler had a great time (he actually ate supper for her and went to sleep without complaint or struggle.  unheard of!) and so did we.  we were both a bit hungry this evening as we went to the movie (the popcorn smelled good to me, but mr., happy stuff assured me that it didn’t smell good at all), but not unbearably hungry.  all in all?  a good day.

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