my momma’s gonna be sooooo jealous

every year, there’s a big film festival in my town.  some years i get my act together enough to go see a movie or two, sometimes i forget until the day after it’s all over.  this year was one of the remembering kind of years.  we saw our first film this evening–mad city chickens.  we arrived to find a looooooong line of people waiting for the previous movie to end and wanting to get good seats to see the chicken movie.  there was all sorts of free chicken swag–peeps (whole boxes of them!), chocolate eggs, mini-buttons… there was even someone wearing a chicken costume!  we settled in to our seats, leaving no empties because there was a full house.  then, the lights went down and the movie came up.  it’s a documentary about the underground chicken movement in madison a few years ago before it was legal to own chickens in the city, and how the laws were changed (to allow up to four chickens per household) and then some information about how to raise chickens, information about how much better the eggs are from happy chickens than from factory-raised (and not just flavor!  did you know that they have way less cholesterol?  and way more omega-3s?) and the history of chicken raising around the world and… hmmm… this sounds rather dry, doesn’t it?  well, the filmmakers did some kind of magic then because we laughed our way through the entire film.  it was hilarious!

when the lights came up, the filmmakers went up on stage to talk a bit about the movie and answer questions.  they had everyone who had participated in the movie that was in the audience stand up and i realized that the two people sitting next to mr. happy stuff and the person sitting in front of us were all major players!  talk about celebrity seats!  there’s something so bizarrely cool about watching someone on a big screen for two hours (off and on) and then realizing that they were sitting right next to you the whole time.  i was star struck!  i kept thinking about how much my mom (who raises chickens on her mini-farm) would enjoy watching this movie.  i guess she’ll have to wait for the dvd.

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