back in the saddle again….

i am happy to say (with just a little bit of caution and wood-knocking) that the sporty me is back!  i was forced to take a hiatus last fall due to a running injury (likely due to too-old shoes–apparently 3 years is a shockingly long time to use a single pair of running shoes.  my runner friends were horrified.).  at first, i couldn’t hardly stand to not exercise, then, i sort of ran out of time to go swimming (the one thing i could do that didn’t hurt) and…i decided to just stop working out for awhile, to allow myself to heal (and to catch a good deep breath after 3 years of exercising pretty regularly).  i could tell a difference.  not just in my body (hello, weight gain!), but also in my moods.  just ask mr. h-s.  poor guy had to put up with me on some pretty cranky days where i just felt mopey and antsy and droopy and bleh.  i was really craving a run or at least something!  i bought new running shoes, but then it snowed.  and got really cold and icy.  but now, for the last two weeks, i’ve gotten up at least 5 days a week to ride my indoor bicycle in the morning and i am reminded of what a good idea that is.  i get my exercise in before the part of my brain that comes up with excuses is really awake and it’s more likely to get done.  then, i feel good about myself for the rest of the day.  i also distract that part of my brain with television.  this past week, i started watching dvd’s of “my name is earl.”  funny stuff.  keeps me on the bike.  hooray!

this morning, i skipped the biking in favor of pond hockey.  i can’t believe it’s taken me this long to get back out on my skates!  the photo above is actually from last year, but my outfit pretty much stays the same (note the stripey hat–the only thing i’ve ever successfully knitted).  granted, today is one of the coldest days we’ve had yet this year, so i only stayed out for about 45 minutes, but it felt great to be back out there again.  whew!

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